iOS App Development with Swift

iOS App Development with Swift

Course Description
During the course we will review the basics of the iOS programming language – Swift and will also take a look of the main concepts and architecture of the iOS platform. Swift is a robust and intuitive programming language created by Apple. It's easy to learn, simple to use, and super powerful — which makes it a great language for first time coders and full-time developers.

Moreover, all students will also learn good practices and techniques for writing quality software, will understand the concepts of object-oriented programing and mobile UI. Theory will be part of the course, but the main focus will be on building a real iOS application from scratch and working in a team. During the course students will have personal home assignments and different team tasks so they can practice the material.

What will you learn?
Topics that you'll learn during the course will be:
  • Introduction to Swift (Programming language for iOS Development)
  • Main elements of Swift
  • Cycles and Main Operators
  • Functions and Methods
  • Main Concepts of Object-Oriented programming
  • Protocols, inheritance and delegates
  • Introduction to Foundation and UIKit SDKs
  • iOS Application lifecycle, MVC, UIViewController Lifecycle
  • How to build an User Interface
  • Auto-Layout and how to use it for building beautiful UI
  • Overview of UIScrollView Component
  • Overview of UITableView Component
  • Overview of UITableView Component 2
  • Overview of UICollectionView Component
  • Networking – how to connect an iOS app with a web server
  • Multithreading – asynchronous execution
  • Overview of blocks and animations
  • Final Project – building a complete app

Who is this course for?
The course is suitable for people who want to start developing mobile applications.

You should be comfortable with the basic concepts of computer programming, including variables, strings, logic, and classes. You'll be expected to write code as part of the training. To be able to accomplish exercises, you need to have your own Mac laptop, that suits one of the following models:
  • MacBook (2015 or later)
  • MacBook Air (2013 or later)
  • MacBook Pro (Late 2013 or later)
  • Mac mini (2014 or later)
  • iMac (2014 or later)
  • iMac Pro (2017 or later)
  • Mac Pro (2013 or later)
Group #: G35.2
Class hours: 18:00 – 21:00 UTC+4
# of class sessions: 20

1 August 2022: Starts 1 week earlier.
  1. Mon, 03.10.2022
  2. Wed, 05.10.2022
  3. Mon, 10.10.2022
  4. Wed, 12.10.2022
  5. Mon, 17.10.2022
  6. Wed, 19.10.2022
  7. Mon, 24.10.2022
  8. Wed, 26.10.2022
  9. Mon, 31.10.2022
  10. Wed, 02.11.2022
  11. Mon, 07.11.2022
  12. Wed, 09.11.2022
  13. Mon, 14.11.2022
  14. Wed, 16.11.2022
  15. Mon, 21.11.2022
  16. Thu, 24.11.2022
  17. Mon, 28.11.2022
  18. Wed, 30.11.2022
  19. Mon, 05.12.2022
  20. Wed, 07.12.2022
Vladimir Kadurin

Vladimir Kadurin

Vladimir Kadurin is an iOS Developer with more, than 7 years of experience in the field.

He started his career as a Freelance iOS Developer.

Since 2015 till 2016 he has been working as Qualified iOS Developer. His main assignments were to design and develop enterprise mobile applications.

He continued his career as a Senior iOS Developer. His main responsibilities were:
  • Working with remote teams on various tasks with SCRUM methodology
  • Maintain and repair any bugs found
  • Implement new features both for core functionality and for marketing
  • Test code for robustness, including edge cases, usability, and general reliability
  • Refactoring, working on bug fixing and improving application performance
  • Implement new technologies to maximize development efficiency
  • Designing the architecture for rebuilding of the main applications

Since 2017 till 2019 he has been working as Head of Mobile Development, managing a team of 7 people: Senior iOS Devs, 3 Senior Android Devs, 1 Senior QA Engineer, 1 Junior QA Engineer. He was responsible for development, strategy and planning, leadership, recruitment.

Now he is Chief Product and Operations Officer and conducts 30+ people (4 Scrum teams).

Since 2017 till now he has been a lecturer for the following subjects:
  • iOS Development Basics
  • Software Development Methodologies
Instructor's Certifications:
  • SCRUM Master Accredited Certification, International Scrum Institute
  • SCRUM Certification For Mobile App Developer, International Scrum Institute
  • App Development with Swift Level 1 certification

სასერტიფიკაციო გამოცდა

Exam: App Development with Swift Certification Level 1

Students who pass the certification exam will earn a digital badge they can share in a resume, portfolio, email, or in online professional networks.

Certification Guide

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Მეგობრებთან გაზიარება

The trainings and the certification exams are completely free of charge for the participants.